You are invited to visit a peaceful forest sanctuary and organic gardens on private land so that you can unwind, unplug, and nurture a strong connection with your inner self in the beauty of the Maine outdoors. Experience nature in a unique way through slowing down and listening to what is calling you.
Nematona, or sacred grove, is the name given to the forest sanctuary where we hold space for people to interact with nature. It's 35 acres of Maine woods comprising of balsam fir, red oak, red maple, white pine, and red cedar trees. Moss rocks, fern circles, pine needle bed, and wildflowers decorate the forest. We are located about 30 minutes from Acadia National Park.
Our desire is to bring people into the forest to heal, grow in their hearts so that peace, joy, and love can be spread through the entire planet. We dream of a heaven on earth where all beings are allowed to live in harmony together. Read more about our mission, vision, and values here.
Our services are offered year round and designed to enable people to interact in the forest in order to heal, create, grow spiritually, find inner peace, or enjoy life on planet earth. Many activities are offered for all ages including forest bathing or Shinrin Yoku and a Labyrinth Journey. Is forest bathing new to you? Read about forest bathing here!
Free Community Events Coming Soon
- Sun, Apr 06589 Surry Rd
- Fri, Apr 25589 Surry Rd
- Sat, Apr 26The Black House Museum at Woodlawn
- Sat, May 03Surry
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